Samsung Galaxy A54 5G smartphone was launched with sophisticated camera technology. The device includes a 50MP main camera, with OIS and All-Pixel AF sensor, it has a 12MP ultra-wide camera, 5MP macro camera, and using a Sony sensor, users can complete photo collections with various perspectives and stunning details.
Safir Makki, a professional photographer praises the Galaxy A54 5G. According to the photographer, this smartphone not only has advanced photographic capabilities, but also offers prime resistance that is suitable for various shooting conditions. This was conveyed when giving a workshop ” Explore Unlimited Smartphone Photography”.
Safir Makki, Professional Photographer said, ” The Galaxy A54 5G camera provides a new experience of photography, the selected features available are stunning with a fast response, making it easier for users to be creative with awesome photos. The resulting photo colors are solid and minimally grainy when shooting in low light conditions and at night.”
“Samsung Galaxy A54 5G is the perfect synthesis of innovation and functionality. We created this product with one main goal, giving users the ability to record important moments in their lives with extraordinary quality, without worrying about the environment and weather conditions,” said Ilham Indrawan, MX Product Marketing Senior Manager, Samsung Electronics Indonesia.
Apart from the camera capability the Galaxy A54 5G smartphone also launched with a great battery life. For your daily life, this smartphone will give you a high-resolution camera, excellent durability, and a long-lasting battery.
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