WhatsApp keeps on busying in enhancing the prior features and focusing on bringing new features into the works in its latest attempts to offer consumer-focused features and to compete with the likes of Telegram. At this point, WhatsApp lags a bit behind Telegram as Channels are one of the features that need to be covered by the messaging app.
WABetaInfo has informed recently a long-lagging feature currently under development for WhatsApp. This guide is particularly obligest to inform that meta possessing platform working to bring channels easily discoverable in it. Lets’s learn more about it below.
WhatsApp working on making Channels easily discoverable
When WhatsApp officially informed that working on bringing Channels features. Once this feature is released, you will be able to search for a channel by name, and you will also be able to filter results alphabetically, by popularity, or based on recency. It was spotted in WhatsApp beta for Android version As said this feature is under development, though it may not even be visible to all beta testers. All in all, it seems that Channels are now getting closer to a release.
It’s possible the Channels feature will be positioned within the Status tab (which could get renamed to Updates). Channels most likely won’t be end-to-end encrypted. However, they would operate separately from private or group chats, so channels probably won’t affect the current encryption protocols of WhatsApp.
The feature will have safeguards built to protect the identities of members of a channel. Based on previous rumors and discovered info in beta, channels would work similarly to a WhatsApp broadcast. For example, nobody will be able to see which channels you’re subscribed to. Also, subscribers won’t be able to see the phone number of the channel owner. Therefore it’s exciting to see the stable arrival of the feature to the App.
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