Samsung is set to launch the new device and they have been spotted in the 3C certification. As per the listing, the smartphone will have model numbers SM-W9023 and SM-W7023. The data also shows that both support 25W charging and come standard with EP-TA800 chargers.
The description has less data so we cannot come up with the fixed series name but yeah if we expect it will be the W series.
Back on October 13, Samsung released the Samsung W22 5G mobile phone. The phone is upgraded with the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 5G mobile phone as the prototype. The overall body adopts a black design, and the hinge part is golden. At the same time, the back of the body is printed with the “Heart is the world” Logo, starting from 16,999 yuan.
Samsung bringing two new foldable phones possibly Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip 4 soon. As we know that Samsung has not launched the successor of the Galaxy Z Fold3 5G mobile phone, and the W23 is far away. Some people speculate that it may be a revised model of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3.