Earlier, Samsung released the Vo5G update for the Galaxy S22 phone and it became the first device to get the experience. Now, according to the new report, Samsung has reportedly started distributing the Vo5G calls for the trio Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21+, and the Galaxy S21 Ultra on T-Mobile’s network in the US.
This is a huge achievement for the T-mobile’s carrier, now users can easily take the benefit of Vo5G calls on the 5G smartphones. It means that the smartphone is always connected to a 5G connection, even during voice calls. This service is currently available on T-Mobile’s 5G network in select areas of Portland (Oregon) and Salt Lake City.
The cellular network carrier said it plans to expand support for Vo5G calls to more regions and more devices (including Samsung’s) in the US throughout the year. T-Mobile is the only carrier in the US offering support for a true 5G SA (Standalone) network.
The two other networks AT&T and Verizon haven’t declared any support for 5G SA networks yet.
Since supported phones are always hooked onto a 5G network, they don’t need to switch between 4G LTE and 5G signals.
Galaxy S21 and Galaxy S21 Plus rear cameras: For the Galaxy S21 and Galaxy S21 Plus, you get a triple rear camera setup comprising of a primary camera, an ultra-wide-angle camera, and a telephoto camera.
The primary camera is a 12MP f/1.8 shooter with a 1/1.76″ sensor producing images with 1.8µm large pixels. You get Dual Pixel AF as well as OIS on the primary camera.
The secondary camera is a 12MP f/2.2 shooter with a 1/2.55″ sensor producing images with 1.4µm large pixels. The field of view is 120°, which isn’t the widest out there but also not a bad option per se.
The tertiary camera is a 64MP f/2.0 telephoto lens with a 1/1.76″ sensor producing images with 0.8µm large pixels. You get PDAF and OIS on this camera, and its primary use case is for capturing images with 3x optical zoom.