Samsung promotes 2030 Busan Expo in Paris

Samsung Electronics is up on furl in Paris, France will encourage the condition in terms of making it more happening to attract the ‘2030 Busan World Expo (Expo)’….! The BID General Assembly of the Organization for International Expositions will be arranged on the 28th and 29th.

At the center of Paris the opera theater ‘Opera Garnier’ is located, where Samsung Electronics is showing the ‘2030 Busan World Expo’ logo on a large outdoor advertisement. A type of class representative tourist attraction with an average daily floating population of 500,000.

By screening the ‘2030 Busan World Expo’ Samsung footed forward additionally and effectively to raise awareness of the Busan Expo and create an atmosphere to attract tourists around. Where Bid Committee on and offline mode, will be going to show the promotional video including major stores in Paris, the homepage of Samsung Electronics France, and SNS channels.

Samsung promotes 2030 Busan Expo in Paris image

At the global level, in Piccadilly Square in London, England, and Hong Kong Entertainment Building. The promotional videos on large LED screens are being anticipated. Samsung will be promoting the Busan Expo around the world by screening the same. As depicted in the above image.

Therefore, until we’ll gather more for you in the same regard stay connected and stay tuned via @Samnews24 for more forever…


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