Samsung and Human Age Institute Foundation collaborate to encourage talent and employability

With this new association, both institutions are launching the "Empowering People Talent" program.

Samsung Electronics Iberia along with Human Age Institute (a non-profit initiative) promoted by ManpowerGroup. Both of these two signed a collaboration agreement on Thursday in order to support talent. This is intended as an engine of transformation of organizations and young employability as a guarantee of development. With this new association, both institutions are launching the “Empowering People Talent” program. This will leads to connecting the technical learning of the Samsung DesArrolladoras and Samsung Innovation Campus training programs. These programs enhance the most demanded soft skills that were needed in IT profiles in today’s scenario.

The “Empowering People Talent” program’s motive is to enhance the employability of students of Samsung DesArrolladoras and Samsung Innovation Campus. Notably, the project came into existence with a collaborative approach with Human Age Institute. The same has been the initiative of Manpower Group, which already has the support of over 1,000 companies and institutions.

In addition to this, the employability program “Empowering People Talent” comprises three phases. In which, the first is the practical workshops on personal branding. Whereby, the primary factors of Curriculum 2.0, also an attractive cover letter in the digital environment will be observed. While another of the workshops will focus on the discourse called an elevator pitch. It covers the key factors that are elaborate by a brief presentation, in order to attract the attention of recruiters and evaluators.

Also, the participants have the access to a tool that enables them to handle skills with greater or lesser skill. That results to improve self-knowledge, this tool also provides information on the degree of employability of candidates. Now it allows one to measure the chances of professional success by focusing on 3 main areas: Cooperation, Problem-solving capacity, and Orientation.

Moving ahead toward the final phase, whereby all participants will become the part of largest employability platform in the country. And the goal is to provide development options to the young participants as per the need of the market. While giving them access to a team of specialized consultants, who will involve in the deep follow-up of the applications.



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