According to the latest report from Omdia, Samsung Electronics has once again retained its top spot in the global memory chip market in Q1 2023. SK hynix Inc gained the third position with a year earlier. Samsung Electronics kept the largest share of 42.8 per cent in the DRAM market, unchanged from the previous quarter.
Samsung Electronics Memory Semiconductor Market Q1 2023
As per the data, Samsung’s DRAM revenue counted to $4.01 billion in the January-March period, a 61.2 per cent fall from the previous year’s $10.35 billion, Omdia said. The DRAM market share of SK hynix stood at 24.7 per cent in Q1, down 2.3 percentage points from the previous quarter.
“SK hynix had preemptively begun to reduce production as DRAM prices fell sharply in the first quarter, which led to a decrease in shipments and a temporary decline in the market share,” an industry source said.