Android Auto getting more home apps

Google is bringing more smart home/Internet of Things (IoT) apps to Android Auto and Automotive, resulting which Android Auto today supporting media and mapping/navigation apps.

Since Samsung brought SmartThings to Android Auto two years ago. Google joins the race enabling developers to bring [IoT] apps to cars. In correlation to that controlling home security and doors from a touchscreen UI might be included rather than having to rely on voice commands (assuming Google Assistant supports your home ecosystem).

Through testing with the Automotive OS emulator and the DHU for Android Auto, Google offers driving-optimized templates in the Android for Cars App Library. Expect a consistent grid-based layout throughout apps.

In fact, “with the Android for Cars App Library immediately from Google Play, drivers of cars using Android Auto can now download IOT apps developed.”

  1. Design your app’s experience using our developer guide and app quality guidelines.
  2. Develop using the latest release of the car app library so you can get user feedback from now.
  3. Test using the desktop head unit.
  4. Publish your app to Close or Open testing to the Google Play Store to get pre-production feedback from users.
  5. Ship your final app to cars.

Google already has Assistant voice commands for this functionality, but a Google Home client would be nice. Well, it will be a joy to use this availability. Hope you guys like the content.

Android Auto getting more home apps

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