Google Play bottom bar gets Material You tweaks

Remarkably, one of the most certain and significant aspects of Material You is a tall bottom bar. While a few of its variation is started coming out across Google’s apps. This is by the time, the Play Store switched to a shorter version respectively.

Since Google Play starts rolling out a short bottom bar in which the container and pill-shaped tab indicator are not that tall. Notably, this is first observed as a server-side update ahead of this month. By that time it was gradually expanding. Although, it’s still left to be rolled out completely so far.

Moving ahead, the only actual change with respect to functionality is a comparatively smaller touch target. While you won’t get to see any logic more. Perhaps, a line of the text depicts on your screen a result of these cosmetic changes.

On the other hand, it’s a subject of uniformity when it comes to Material 3 and first-party Google apps. Google Voice is the most latest Android application in order to get a Material You redesign. It utilizes a tall bottom bar, whereas Google Tasks in February gained a tall bottom app bar.

An example of going against specification is Gmail. As it follows the wide rollout of its Material You redesign a little back in September 2021. While Gmail for Android switched to a short M3 bottom bar along with a height identical to the M2 version. Before this year, Gmail dropped the text labels for a shorter navigation element ever.

In the interim, the YouTube family of apps has never gone for Material You or the bottom bar style. Additionally, the taller bottom bar is more appealing since it suits the Material You aesthetic of bigger touch targets and comparatively more space The shorter element appears a little dull after two years of Material 3.

Google Play Store

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