Samsung registers AR Walking brand name

Samsung has led to the registration of a new AR Walking trademark under the umbrella. In spite of the fact Samsung’s famous Gear VR ultimately did not last long, it has been clear for years that AR and MR – Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality – have by no means disappeared from the playing field.

Samsung’s trademark application in South Korea is once again lifting a corner of the veil that still hangs over Samsung’s plans. The brand name AR Walking is very general, but also very precise. In fact, they have yet to make a large-scale debut, with players such as Apple and Samsung both still having big plans. Both Google Maps and Apple Maps already offer AR navigation for pedestrians, which combines input from the camera with clear directions.

The brand name will be intact seemingly. Though Samsung does not have its own maps app, so, the functioning will remain a mystery where AR Walking will be added.

Samsung AR Walking

In any case, the application paperwork does not contain any direct reference to headsets or glasses. Only smartphones are specifically named: ‘ Downloadable computer application software for smartphones for walking guidance using augmented reality ‘.

Until then we are collecting more for you, stay tuned via Samnews24

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