YouTube Music inserts an activity bar on the web

Back two years in November an “activity bar” was initiated by YouTube Music with various moods to tune what appears in the Home feed. Now you can be available on the web.

Where you have been button with rounded corners. Which is aligned left (like on tablets) and appears underneath the app bar. Where you switch between Home, Explore, Library, and Search turned into Pill-shaped buttons are used for less Material You look at.

YouTube Music also updates the background image at the top. To go back to the main feed, click the mood you selected again. Selecting one — Energize, Workout, Relax, Commute, and Focus — updates YouTube Music with a feed of songs, albums, and playlists that matches the mood. YouTube Music inserts an activity bar on the web

Adding a gradient similar to the mobile apps in recent weeks YouTube Music on the web they do an accurate job. The Library tab on the web was also redesigned to match the big mobile revamp. The activity bar on YouTube Music will give users easy access to music for the following features activities: Workout, focusing, Relax, and Commuting. In other news, the Now Playing screen on Android remains stuck on the older UI. This suggests an intentional rollback instead of a bug.

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