With the huge strangling issue that generates around Samsung-developed chips like the Snapdragon 888 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. Consecutively Qualcomm assigns the production of the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 to TSMC. Notably, this proves to be a big loss for Samsung’s foundry business. At the same time, it seems like the company will soon get a chance in order to make Qualcomm’s high-end chipsets soon.
As per the report from BNext, Samsung Foundry will be going to make some Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipsets on its 3nm GAA (GAAFET) node. While the majority of the chips will be made by the Taiwanese firm TSMC. Although, this is through using its 3nm FinFET process.
This is primarily due to TSMC’s increased yield of approx 75-80% per wafer. On the other hand, it also indicates that Samsung’s yield for its 3nm chips is around 60-70%. It is also in the air that the South Korean firm’s yield was merely 20% per wafer. This is before its partnership with the US-based semiconductor firm Silicon Frontline Technology.
Also, Qualcomm and other chip manufacturers usually pay for semiconductor foundries per wafer. It indicates that the higher the yield the lower the price per chip. Therefore, if the yield is low, they intensionally need to charge their customers higher. And this gradually increases the price of the device. At the same time, the increase in cost could lead smartphone makers to other chip makers.
Samsung Foundry is applying its GAA technology for the first time
In addition to this, Samsung Foundry is applying its GAA (Gate All Around) technology for the first time for chip fabrication. While the production is not that much efficient. Another aspect is, the chips that use the GAA technology are expected to feature better power efficiency and thermals as compared to those using the FinFET design.
Thus, it remains to be seen how well Samsung can compete with TSMC in the 3nm segment. Alternatively, it will still be great for Samsung to be in the mix. Apple’s A17 chipset is supposed to be made by using TSMCs 3nm process. While Google’s Tensor G3 could be a 3nm chip made by Samsung.