Samsung starts Mass Production of 8th-Gen Vertical NAND with highest bit density

The South Korean tech giant, Samsung is the leader in terms of advanced memory technology. During the Flash Memory Summit 2022 and Samsung Memory Tech Day 2022, the company officially announced the mass production of the 1-terabit (Tb) triple-level cell (TLC) eighth-generation Vertical NAND (V-NAND) has started with the industry’s highest bit density.

What’s new in 8th-Gen Vertical NAND?

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“As market demand for denser, greater-capacity storage pushes for higher V-NAND layer counts, Samsung has adopted its advanced 3D scaling technology to reduce surface area and height, while avoiding the cell-to-cell interference that normally occurs with scaling down,” said SungHoi Hur, Executive Vice President of Flash Product & Technology at Samsung Electronics.

“Our eighth-generation V-NAND will help meet rapidly growing market demand and better position us to deliver more differentiated products and solutions, which will be at the very foundation of future storage innovations.”

Vertical NAND

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